Walter Jones – One of the Last Fiscal Conservatives Still Standing
Republican Elite Beltway establishment is celebrating the victory of
Thom Tillis, Speaker of the North Carolina House, over his Tea Party and
Evangelical rivals in Tuesday’s primary for the U.S. Senate. However,
the deliberate assault upon Walter Jones by John Boehner has been
outrageous and failed. Boehner purged all economic conservatives from
the House Finance Committee. Boehner then had massive amounts of money
sent to North Carolina to try to get rid of Walter Jones for his
support of Ron Paul to save the country.
The Republican Beltway elite massively funded the effort to
purge all economic conservatives so Boehner can keep Washington as the
inside game hell-bent on sending the nation into absolute disaster.
Boehner directed a million dollars of super PAC money poured into the
district that painted Walter Jones as a liberal when that is
Boehner to the letter. Boehner is simply a low-life politician who if he
was dictator, would never champion any reform. It is business as
usual for him and he is the leading cause of why the Republican party
may split.
Jones voted against Obamacare and the bailouts of the big banks, Wall
Street and Detroit. He voted against cap and trade, and TARP, the
trillion-dollar stimulus package. Boehner has no such track
record. Jones voted against every increase in the debt ceiling in 10
years and refused to vote for any U.S. budget not in balance.
Walter Jones came to believe that voting to send Americans to fight
and die in Iraq was the worst mistake of his career. Jones now spends
hours each weekend writing personal letters to every family that lost a
son or daughter in a war he wrongly supported. And he has resolved to
oppose every idiotic war into which the country is being manipulated. The War Party front, the “Emergency Committee for Israel,”
is chaired by Bill Kristol, who has become the cheerleader for war that
has cost 4,500 American lives. Bill funneled hundreds of thousands
of dollars into attack ads to get rid of Jones for he would not support
another war based upon lies. Then there was the Ending Spending Action Fund,
a super PAC led by billionaire Joe Ricketts and backed by the
Macau-Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson that dumped scores of thousands
dollars into the 3rd District to deceive voters into believing that
Walter Jones was a liberal. Again, one must question why Ricketts is
against fiscal conservatism.
The Republican Party is doomed. These types of people are so
country-club establishment that they cannot see that they are seriously
out of touch with America. They are placing America's future at risk no
different from the Democrats.